About me
I am CNRS researcher at the Institut de Mathématique d’Orsay (Université Paris-Saclay).
My main research interest is Geometric Measure Theory (GMT) and its application to analysis in the presence of singularities, for instance on manifolds with singularities, in singular spaces such as Carnot groups, or in Euclidean domains with singular boundaries. I also like questions coming from variational problems.
Recently, I have started working on applications of harmonic analysis to mathematical physics questions, such as Anderson localization.
From 2020 to 2023 I was a post-doc at the Institut de Mathématique d’Orsay (Université Paris-Saclay), where I work with Guy David.
In 2018, I defended my PhD on Stokes’ Theorem for singular forms on singular varieties under the supervision of Thierry De Pauw.
From 2018 to 2020, I was a post-doc in Padova, Italy, with Davide Vittone